12 April 2010

Slow down

Just the simple act of slowing down or taking a short break from regular activities helps a lot in reducing stress.
Maybe not all of us can take a long break from work (EMIs need to be paid!), but intentionally slowing down the pace has helped me to handle multiple things better. It gives you a little more time to take stock of the situation, to focus on what is the most important thing to do next.

Also sometimes, some of the tasks become unimportant when you procrastinate on it enough. Try it, it works!

I found these good for me:
Music - one of the best methods. Instead of just listening, sing along with the song.
Movies - select a silly comedy where you can just laugh and there is nothing to think about. For example, i've seen 'Welcome' some 4 or 5 times, still i could enjoy it again.

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